Daily Cookie

July 30, 2007, 4:50 pm
Filed under: Fierce

I feel like I have finally shed my winter coat.  I am not talking about a fur or a Montcler, but rather that little extra roll that gathers around your midriff over the holidays and winter months. Mine came out of hibernation a bit later this year, but I feel like I am now at my summer weight.   

I honestly don’t want to come across like one of those stick thin girls who is always complaining she is fat.  I eat healthy and am a fitness fanatic.  But I am also a victim of liking my wine and penny candy.  I swear if I cut both of out of my life I would be killer, but life is way too short and I crave my Skittles.  And I know there are alot of you out there who can relate.  We know our own bodies to the point where it becomes an obsession.  And that extra 2 – 3 pounds we gain each month just puts us over the edge.  Suddenly even our “fat jeans” don’t sit as well and everything in our closet just seems a bit snug in all the wrong places.   Yes, I wear my cranky pants about once a month – however now they don’t feel as tight.  

This summer I have been determined to overcome these feelings both mentally and physically.  I have always been a fan of working out.  I can’t function if I dont have some sort of physical activity in my life to balance out the stress of my job.  Sweat, listening to my all time favorite rock songs (I have a playlist “Dirty Rock Songs“on my iPod just for working out) and those sweet little cuts you get on either side of your stomach are my saving graces. 

Which is probably the reason why I am also obsessed with pilates.   Pilates is both a mind and body exercise.  I have been practicing pilates for years now.  Okay you got me, sometimes consistently and sometimes not.  I started pilates seven years ago with private lessons three times a week.  I used to think money grew on trees.          

Coincidently, this is also the same time I started working with that guy who was just nominated for Best Actor in a Drama.  So Sarah (my instructor ) became my personal trainer and my therapist at the same time.  I truly believed she changed my body and my life.  She is now one of my best friends.

What I love about pilates is that it strenghtens and tones without bulking.  I hate the word bulk.  It’s an amazing work out if you give it the time and devotion it needs.  You learn how to isolate and use muscles you never knew you had.  It cuts inches of your problem areas and elongates your muscles giving you a celebrity physique.  Your posture improves, your core becomes flat and sexy minus the six pack look and your legs look longer and leaner.  Hello gap shot.  

Think about it.  Instead of always contracting your muscles, you elongate them.  Long, lean muscle without the bulk.  I am in!

I also like to run.  I know I am contradicting myself, but can’t help it, I love the rush and the sweat.  So pilates helps me that much more.  And for any guys out there who may be reading this, it’s all about your core.  Think hockey.  Think baseball. Think golf. 

Recently, I  took this whole strengthen and stretching concept one step further.  I tried Gyrotonics.  Ever seen any of these machines?  The look like they have guest starred in a Hannibal Lecter film.  They are scary and intimidating, but again the results are fierce.  I have tried a few times now.  We end our pilates routine about 15 minutes early to stretch even more and gain flexibility.  Let me tell you, when I get step off one of these contraptions I feel like I don’t need my heels.  I swear I grow 2 inches each time.  Now I know what Bobby Brady was thinking when he used to hang from the swing set.  Same effect.  

If you haven’t tried pilates, I urge you to give it an honest shot.  Not once or twice, but for an extended period of time.  Buy all the classes in advance.  You will feel obligated to go.  Try privates at first to learn the exercise philosophy, the routines and to find the best instructor for you. You can introduce duets or trios into the mix later.  This will save face with your checkbook.  You will feel destined to go after you see the results.   

I have decided to invest in a great new winter coat this year.  To quote my friend Mo, “The kind that when you have it on, it doesn’t matter what you are wearing underneath.”

Until then, my only other major purchase is a renewed membership to my pilates studio.  This morning after a great workout, I bought another 10 session card. 

Aahh. . .summer thinking weighing in.  You better believe it matters what is underneath.